Healthcare News

  • Two-Portal Arthroscopic Knotless All-Suture Anchor Posterior Labral Repair

    Isolated posterior shoulder instability accounts for approximately 10% of shoulder instability cases. Patients may present after an acute trauma or with insidious onset and associated posterior shoulder pain. Knotless and all-suture anchor devices have become increasing popular and are often used in arthroscopic shoulder instability cases to avoid knot stacks and allow for the ability to re-tension the fixation. This technical note describes our technique for 2-portal posterior labral repair using knotless all-suture anchors with the patient in the lateral decubitus position.

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  • What types of shoulder surgery are available?

    The shoulder is a mobile and complex joint that is prone to dislocation and injury. Several types of shoulder surgery can address and correct various shoulder symptoms.

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  • Special Diagnostic Tests for Shoulder Pain

    Shoulder pain is among the more common reasons for why people visit a healthcare provider. Pain, tenderness, and reduced range of motion in your shoulder can disrupt your daily life. Your healthcare provider may use one or several special tests in order to pinpoint the problem. The Neer test, Crank test, and Speed's test are among these tests.

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  • Distal Biceps Repair Using an All-Suture Anchor Technique

    Distal biceps ruptures are common injuries that lead to significant decrease in elbow supination strength and pain. This Technical Note describes a single-incision distal biceps tendon repair using 2 knotless suture anchors. This technique is easily reproducible, is efficient, and has the unique benefits of decreasing the risk of heterotopic ossification and damage to neurovascular structure while providing similar outcomes to other described fixation techniques.

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  • Preoperative outcome scores may predict relative improvement from rotator cuff repair

    Published results showed high preoperative patient-reported outcome scores may be associated with less relative improvement after arthroscopic rotator cuff repair compared with low preoperative scores.

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